Wednesday, January 30, 2013

DT Noble Miku by caio4856: Model Review

   Okay! First of all, this is a Dreamy Theater model. Like the Heart Hunter one. These ones usually have massive amounts of polygons, just a warning to those of you with old/not so good computers. You can find the model here... And let's start the review!
   First off I'll check on the overall look. It's beautiful. I can't really give any credit to the rigger here, since the people at SEGA and Crypton did the real modeling, but the toons aren't warped and none of the choppiness of some other ripped and rigged models I have. Overall I love the model's appearance.
   Now I'll review the physics. Physical operations on and... I love it. The only flaw in my opinion is the common one where the hair is  bad from one angle and is stuck in place. But unless the whole video/picture is from the right side, it's fine. The bow and skirt are beautiful and realistic- they've really done a great job. I look forward to using this model later.
   Up now is the movements and facials, and I'm loading up Rolling Girl motion to see how she works out... ... ... Okay, love it. The physics are good. She has emotion. Her movements are fluid. I love the facials.

Overall Ranking: 8/10
Recommend?: Yes!
Credits: SEGA, caio4856, Haruhi-chan4ever, AndreehXD